If you're looking to get a liquor licence in Victoria, you will likely need to provide a report on the maximum number of people that can be allowed inside your premises at any given time. This is called a
maximum patron capacity report.
The report must outline the number of patrons that can be safely accommodated in your venue without breaching any legal requirements or creating any hazards. The report will take into account factors such as the size of the space, the layout of the premises, the number and location of exits, and any other relevant safety considerations.
This report is important because it helps ensure the safety of your customers and staff, as well as the wider community. It also helps to prevent overcrowding, which can pose a risk in the event of an emergency. So, if you're applying for a liquor licence in Victoria, make sure to include a maximum patron capacity report prepared by CODE HQ in your application.
Liquor Control Victoria (LCV) (previously known as Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR)) has established a policy on maximum patron capacity which outlines the guidelines for determining the number of patrons that can be accommodated in a venue that holds a liquor licence. This policy serves as a reference point for licencees who need to comply with the maximum patron capacity requirement.
The Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (the Act) empowers the LCV to establish a maximum number of patrons that a venue can accommodate as a requirement for obtaining a liquor licence. Non-compliance with this requirement is a breach of the law and can result in penalties being imposed on the licencees.
Maximum patron capacity must be endorsed in respect of applications for the following new licences:
Some existing licences might also need to follow this rule. For big events, the organizers might need to give a maximum patron capacity too.
If you're thinking of getting a liquor license, it's a good idea to get in touch with your local council first. They'll let you know what you need to do to meet their planning requirements, and they can tell you whether your business is a good fit for the area you're in.
The council can guide you on what kind of paperwork you need to fill out and what kind of permissions you need to get before you can sell alcohol. They can also tell you about any rules or restrictions that might apply to your business, so you can make sure you're following the law.
The process to obtain a Maximum Patron Capacity Report from CODE HQ for your Liquor Licence application with LCV is generally quick and easy. All we need is a copy of your “red line plan” and we can then arrange an inspection time.
A red line plan defines the area where you want liquor to be supplied and consumed.
Liquor Control Victoria requires the plan to:
Unfortunately, we cannot prepare this plan on your behalf.
If you're applying for a Liquor Licence in Victoria and require a Maximum Patron Capacity Report, it's important to choose an experienced and
professional building surveyor who can provide expert advice and guidance throughout the process. Code HQ is a leading provider of building surveying services in Victoria, with a team of experienced and qualified building surveyors and inspectors who can assist with all aspects of building legislation.
Code HQ also offers a range of other services, including:
• Building permits and approvals
• Building inspections and audits
• Pool Barrier compliance and advice
• Essential Safety Measures, Fire Maintenance & Inspections
We can inspect and prepare your Maximum Patron Capacity report within a couple of days, however to find out about current time-frames for obtaining your Liquor Licence, you can contact Liquor Control Victoria directly https://www.vic.gov.au/liquor
You are not required to obtain a liquor licence when:
• you are holding a private event in a private home where alcohol will be supplied free of charge;
• alcohol is being supplied through a catering company, instead your catering company will need to hold a liquor licence;
• the premises you have hired for a private event is licensed and the licensee is running the event (for example a licensed restaurant, pub or sporting club with a bar where the licensee receives the proceeds from sales).
Contact our friendly sales team at CODE HQ for an obligation free quote for your Maximum Patron Capacity report.
Please follow the link for information about other government fees associated with obtaining your Liquor Licence - https://www.vic.gov.au/liquor-licence-application-fees
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